Female Founders: Paola Telfer of Sens.ai On The Five Things You Need To Thrive and Succeed as a Woman Founder

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Thriving as a Woman Founder: Insights from Paola Telfer

Build a circle of entrepreneurs with different levels of experience so you can informally coach and support each other. There are common threads in all our stories. I have a group I do this with, and it’s been invaluable. Test your ideas— new business ideas and ongoing big business decisions. Welcome critiques. It’s hard not to take things personally at first but you need to get used to it. It’s how you get great.

As I had the pleasure of interviewing Paola Telfer.

Paola Telfer is a serial tech entrepreneur with a passion for harnessing technology for human performance, resilience and longevity. She is the CEO and Founder of Sens.ai, a neurotechnology company with the mission of making mental thriving part of everyone’s every day. After a motor vehicle accident, Paola experienced the power of neurofeedback and recognized how it helped her recover, enhance peak performance, and deepen her meditation. She discovered that advanced brain training was extremely impactful and made it her mission to make it accessible to everyone.

Paola has always had a focus on innovative technology. She holds an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of British Columbia and an MBA in the Management of Technology from Simon Fraser University. Paola has designed network intelligence ASICs (Custom Integrated Circuits) that fuel backbone networks, managed eight-figure product portfolios, led technical consulting in enterprise and government initiatives, and managed strategic healthcare provider relationships. Her first tech startup, Vandrico solutions, leveraged Wearable technology to improve safety for field workers in traditional Industries.

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