
Accelerate Meditation Progress with Neurofeedback

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Using Neurofeedback for Advanced Meditation and Brain Training

Hello Fellow Meditator,

I built something for you. Sens.ai was made with dedicated meditators in mind, in hopes that your efforts would be accelerated. Regardless of whether you are an advanced meditator or beginner, it was designed to bring ease and joy into a regular meditation practice. Ultimately, meditation is brain training - purposefully nurturing positive habits of mind. I have a sincere belief that technology-assisted meditation is the next step required to accelerate and scale our species’ evolution of consciousness. Sens.ai defines evolving consciousness as a growing circle of concern from ‘me’ to ‘us’ and ultimately to ‘all’.

headset  and phone

I have explored many spiritual paths from a young age and yet my core practice has not changed. The common thread of self-awareness, deliberate rewiring of mental patterns and expanding compassion are beyond dogma. Sens.ai was inspired by decades practicing Tibetan Buddhism, studying Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, and the work I did at week-long neurofeedback retreats; plus the breadth of researched-backed meditations I’ve learned from Dr. Jeffrey Martin’s Finders course. It is my sincere wish that we can integrate Sens.ai into the reimagining of education for our next generations.

A photo of the Telfer family having fun playing Catan

Sens.ai aims to democratize ‘unshakeable happiness’, what some might call ‘enlightenment’, with neurotechnology. Our fullsome technology stack is catalyzed by neurofeedback which leverages how humans naturally learn. The bar we have set for ourselves is a scientific vehicle for unshakeable happiness that is reproducible, measurable and scalable. We have embedded subjective and objective metrics for continuous progress. We are excited for the journey towards this ultimate goal which will undoubtedly yield an increase in mental wellbeing, creative insight and social harmony for those willing to invest the minimum of 15 minutes, 3 times per week.

Sens.ai takes the wondering out of meditation: Am I meditating correctly? Is this the right meditation technique for me? Sens.ai can quantify, personalize and accelerate the benefits of your meditation practice. Sens.ai seeks to make each stage of your practice fun and rewarding, allowing room for you to proceed without striving and agitating yourself with expectations.

At the inception of Sens.ai, we invested in research and development to ensure a high integrity reading of gamma brain waves. It’s been well documented that long term meditators tend to have higher levels of synchronized gamma brain wave activity. So we knew it was imperative that we train gamma. In one [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC526201/), monks who had meditated 50,000 hours had some of the highest observed gamma levels. Sens.ai overcame a significant engineering challenge to be the first to unleash gamma and its harmonics into neurofeedback for home. Sens.ai trains you in both pillars of meditation - concentration and awareness. As practiced meditators will know, without awareness one develops a dull concentration. Gamma brainwaves heighten awareness. It is important to note that gamma brain training is different from gamma brain stimulation. Gamma training such as with real-time EEG neurofeedback allows us to train the trait of awareness.
Gamma brain wave pattern over clouds

Meditation, developing concentration and awareness, is very practical. It will help all people, regardless of philosophy, to live bigger, fuller lives. Concentration and awareness traits enable a person to pay attention to what is important at a given moment and live with a full-minded presence.

Underpinning the Sens.ai app design is the core belief that the path of mental training for peak performance and transcendence are on the same continuum. Sens.ai’s Program architecture nudges evolving consciousness, while allowing movement in between circles of concern, as one’s life ebbs and flows.

meditation style pyramid infographic

For those of you that are curious about the details of how Sens.ai supports the meditations styles you are already familiar with, please refer to our Program-to-meditation mapping in the image below. A Sens.ai Program is a neurotechnology frequency configuration of neurofeedback, photobiomodulation (tPBM) and heart coherence training. Each Program has its own unique mental state that it stimulates and trains based on over 1M EEGs analyzed; pairing these with resonant meditation tracks will amplify that mental state experience. We have included guided meditation talk tracks for each Program, which can be toggled on or off. If you are interested in studies that have mapped meditative states, take a look at the bottom of our science page.

Sensai meditation pairings chart for achieving optimal brain states

Our App is a curated and guided experience. We have 16 Missions, each is a course that runs 8-12 weeks with purposeful introduction of new Programs, based on your biometric data and goals, ensuring a gentle stabilizing and building of mental skills.

In addition to supporting the multitude of meditation styles, we have included Programs for doing intentional rewiring to let go of the past, with forgiveness and gratitude, as this is so empowering and critical to personal growth.

Our team is familiar with the evolution of obstacles to one’s meditation practice. As you move from keeping awake and calming the body to quieting your inner chatter and then increasing the power and duration of your concentration, we provide metrics for you to objectively understand your progress.

Our goal is to get you exponentially more focus, awareness and happiness out of your mind training efforts compared to meditation alone. Sens.ai will keep gently challenging you with personalized training, just for you.

silhouette of a family playing and having fun outdoors at sunset

I am grateful to the Sens.ai community, a dedicated group of creators, makers and innovators, passionate about sharing the awakening power of advanced neurofeedback technology with the world.

With Love,


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the author or Sens.ai, the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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